Relevé Dance Company is thrilled to offer exclusive dance classes for your Girl Scout Troop to earn petals, badges, and fun patches!

We offer classes for Daises, Brownies, Juniors, and more. We have fun dance, yoga, and wellness classes just for your Troop. Classes are 1-hour and prices start at $12 per participant. Fill out our contact form to set up your Troop’s class!

Promotional graphic for dance badge classes at Relevé Dance Company, offering special classes to earn dance and fitness badges. Includes warmups, across-the-floor activities, combinations, freestyle, and performance. Website:
Yoga class for scout troops advertisement with people practicing poses in a pink-lit studio, floral motifs, and a yoga badge illustration. Includes text offering yoga badge earning with a certified instructor and website
Wellness class promotion for scout troops with topics like breath awareness, movement, gratitude, and meaning. Earn a wellness badge. Website:

Badges not included

Contact us.
(773) 858-3746